Six Advantages of Air Purification


Reduces the Chance of Airborne Diseases

Airborne diseases such as the common cold and flu are caused by tiny microorganisms in the atmosphere. When one family member has the flu, it is not uncommon for the other members to get sick as well. Everyone breathes in the same air that is infected with germs and viruses, which causes this to happen.

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HEPA-filtering air purifiers collect these bacteria and viruses. By removing the cause of airborne illnesses, you may safeguard your loved ones and yourself. If you live around elderly, young, or immunocompromised people, air filters are a must to safeguard your health and sleep quality throughout flu season.

Improves Sleep

Some examples of indoor allergens that might induce hay fever or allergies are dust mites, fungi, and bacteria. Hay fever can cause a runny nose that lasts for many weeks. Common allergy symptoms that cause trouble sleeping include frequent sneezing, watery eyes, sore throats, congestion in the nose, and coughing.

Lack of sleep makes it harder for you to operate during the day and lowers your morning productivity. Using an air purifier with a HEPA filter is the best way to avoid these sleep-disturbing situations since it eliminates the majority of allergens from your house. When the air is clearer at night, you sleep better.

It could also make mattress maintenance easier. Allergens and fungi can grow within your mattress and generate unpleasant aromas, so you might need to deodorize it with a coating of baking soda or another odor neutralizer. If you can prevent them from ever getting to your mattress, you’ll end up saving a ton of labor.

Removes Hazardous Radon

When naturally occurring radioactive elements, including uranium, which is present in some building materials, decay, radon gas is produced. Radon is an odorless and colorless gas that may be released by many building materials, such as rocks, mud, and granite.

Look for any fractures in the floor, walls, or plasterwork. The dangerous radon gas can leak into your surroundings through these fractures. Radon gas damages the linings of lung cells and can cause cancer. An estimate from the EPA from 2013 suggested that up to 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually in the US might be attributable to lung cancer caused by radon gas.

In order to reduce the risk of radon contamination, use air purifiers. Using HEPA and activated carbon filters can protect you from the harmful effects of radon gas and particles.

Eliminates Perilous Asbestos Particles

Insulating pipes and roofing materials using asbestos were common between the 1940s and the 1960s. If you live in an older house or work in an old commercial building, you may be exposed to asbestos particles. These structures leak as they get older, contaminating the air with asbestos particles.

A lung ailment that causes tissue scarring can be brought on by breathing asbestos particles. Symptoms of asbestosis include swelling in the face or neck, difficulty swallowing, and appetite loss. This disease also increases the chance of lung cancer.

To shield yourself from asbestos fibers and avoid asbestosis, use HEPA air purifiers.

Prevents the Growth of Mold

Bedrooms, with their usually restricted circulation and lack of warmth, are particularly prone to mold problems since mold develops best in environments with high humidity, poor ventilation, and stagnant air. Using an air filter is a wonderful way to stop mold development in the bedroom.

Mold releases spores, which are microscopic particles that are easily carried into the bedroom and other parts of the house. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, commonly found in high-quality air purifiers, may effectively collect mold spores and prevent them from recirculating in the air. This reduces the chance of mold developing and adhering to surfaces—like book shelves in bedrooms.

Air purifiers with built-in dehumidifiers can be used to control the humidity levels in bedrooms. They lessen the air’s moisture content, which inhibits the growth of mold. This is particularly beneficial in places where high humidity is a common issue.

Possibilities to Increase Life Expectancy

Indoor air pollution can affect your respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. Common household items may produce gases and chemicals that might accumulate in your lungs. Because the airborne particles are so small, they can breach the blood-brain barrier and impact your brain and cognitive functions.

An efficient air filter that collects even the tiniest particles leads to improved air quality.

To sum up

The poor ventilation in homes has led to a rise in the requirement for air purifiers. They lessen the quantity of indoor air pollution, although their filters’ effectiveness is constrained. Certain filters have a shelf life of two to three months, but some have a longer one. Make sure you change filters as needed by keeping an eye on the air filter indicator so you can keep enjoying a clean indoor environment.