The Electric Bike shop, a specialized independent e-bike retailer, is supporting Local Bike Shop Day across all of its locations on April 29.
The Electric Bike Shop is eager to acknowledge the significance of the communities its stores serve, and on this day, the team will celebrate this community and the culture of independent bike shops.
Speaking about the event, the head of marketing, Andrew Wood, said, “Every day we strive to provide the best value and most trusted service to our local communities, and this coming Saturday we will celebrate that by providing free safety checks on electric and non-electric bikes, as well as free test rides.”

For National Bike Shop Day, the Electric Bike Shop has you covered.
Local Bike Shop Day allows us to engage with our valued local customers to let them know that we are here to assist them with all of their bicycle requirements, whether electric or not, while also allowing us to reach new customers through the activity.
The Local Bike Shop Activity will mark the beginning of a series of store events that The Electric Bike Shop will implement to add value to main corridors and give something back to the cycling community.
The ACT, which organizes the annual event, selected this Saturday as the date based on a survey of industry peers conducted earlier in the year.
Cytech, the international certification and training organization for bicycle mechanics, will support this year’s campaign.

Since its inception forty years ago, Cytech has provided more than 22,000 technical training courses to cycling industry personnel and cyclists.
Brompton is considering selling a £20 million stake.
More than 500 bike shops participated in Local Bike Shop Day 2022, and the ACT estimates that thousands of individuals participated by shopping at, using the services of, or promoting local Independent Bicycle Dealers (IBDs).
The Department of Transport, Bike is Best, Cycling UK, and British Cycling were major supporters of Local Bike Shop Day in 2017.
To participate in Local Bike Shop Day, retailers are not required to be ACT members, but can join the association for free online.