Everything you should know about hair tattoos for hair loss – Health Center by Manual


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In order to give the illusion of better coverage and more hair density, a hair tattoo technique, also known as scalp micropigmentation, is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that involves creating thousands of ink dots over thinning scalp regions using a small needle. Although there are certain dangers associated with the operation and no real hair growth, if all other choices have been explored or you like the permanent buzz cut look, it can be a great remedy for hair loss.

Read More: Hair Tattoo

What do hair tattoos for thinning hair mean?

Though technically any form of ink applied to the scalp qualifies as a “hair tattoo,” we are particularly referring to hair loss treatments here. In this sense, the relatively new therapy for hair loss is known as scalp micropigmentation, or SMP.

As a cosmetic medical operation, scalp micropigmentation is best envisioned in a clean clinic rather than a seedy tattoo shop. A skilled practitioner will apply pigment dots to the scalp in the shape of real hair follicles using a tiny, thin needle during this operation.

Scalp micropigmentation can provide the illusion of a bigger head of hair, higher hair density, and wider coverage over the scalp while still producing a very natural-looking outcome, similar to a buzz cut or near fade. Although hair tattoo therapy is a relatively new treatment option, there are certain things to be aware of, even if it’s used to treat a number of illnesses.

For whom is hair tattooing beneficial?

By simulating a complete head of hair, hair tattoo techniques are mostly used to treat male pattern baldness-related hair loss. Moreover, scalp tattoos can be used for:

Aim for particular bald areas

Fight the onset of noticeable hair loss

To address thinning hair, make your appearance thicker.

Use a hairline tattoo to stop a receding hairline.

Hide abnormalities of the hair and scalp, such as alopecia scars or hair transplant scars

For those who are experiencing hair loss, scalp micropigmentation has the ability to yield life-changing outcomes by providing natural-looking hair covering that boosts self-esteem and confidence. However, like with conventional tattoos, you’ll need to be aware of the hazards and be ready.

How is the process of scalp micropigmentation carried out?

Prior to getting a hair tattoo

It’s wise to talk about your alternatives with an expert before you get started. If our FAQ section doesn’t address your concerns, they’ll be able to! They’ll also be able to design a plan that takes into account your desired coverage and unique hair loss pattern.

Prior to your initial consultation, you must cleanse your hair and scalp.

The front and sides of the scalp will then be marked for treatment by the practitioner. This is your chance to design the hairline of your dreams!

For a more accurate assessment of the color and density of your natural hair follicles, the practitioner may choose to shave your head, depending on your beginning length.

After that, numbing lotion could be administered to your scalp to lessen the pain from the needles.

Because they resemble microscopic hair follicles, the needles are smaller than those used in a typical tattoo machine. hence it ought should hurt less than a typical tattoo session.

While getting a hair tattoo

Your doctor will create thousands of small dots over the targeted scalp area using a needle during the operation. It is accomplished with a pen-like tool that holds a small needle. The needle barely penetrates the scalp’s top dermis layer a few millimeters; it is a rather shallow needle.

The size and form of the dots will vary somewhat, and there will be enough space between them to permit adequate healing. It may take many hours to perform the entire hair tattoo procedure if you require total scalp covering due to severe hair loss.

Following the hair tattooing process

A scalp tattoo needs less anesthetic and followup than hair transplant surgery. There could be some swelling and redness, but they should be tolerable. You can consult your doctor about aftercare instructions.

While it’s crucial to keep the area tidy and loosely covered, for a few days stay away from strong chemicals, tight headgear, and bright sunshine. Sunlight is particularly significant since it can smudge and obscure the pigments and have an impact on healing.

In order to allow for adequate recovery, the scalp micropigmentation procedure is typically done many times over a period of several weeks. By gradually filling in thinning areas and, ideally, increasing confidence and covering, each session increases density and volume!