How Does Pressure Cooking Operate and What Is It?


You’ve undoubtedly heard of the Instant Pot by now. (In particular, if you like this website.) several models exist, along with several specialized Facebook groups and an abundance of cookbooks dedicated to Instant Pot cuisine. However, stovetop pressure cookers existed before electric pressure cookers. Regardless of the type of pressure cooker you use, each offer advantages, and in this article we’ll go over some pressure cooking fundamentals.

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A pressure cooker: what is it? How does it operate? With it, what can you make? We’ll address all of your queries as you read on.

What is the purpose of a pressure cooker?

Steam pressure is the basic operating mechanism of a pressure cooker. Food cooks more quickly in a sealed pot with a lot of steam inside because the pot creates high pressure.

The pressure cooker was created when?

Denis Papin, a Frenchman, created it in the 1600s with the intention of using recent advances in steam and pressure physics to cooking. Though it took some time for improved manufacturing practices and technological advancements to make these high pressure pots safe, he named his invention the “Digester.”

How does one operate under pressure?

A sealed pot with a valve to regulate the steam pressure inside is called a pressure cooker. The liquid within the pot produces steam as it heats up, increasing the pressure inside the pot. There are two primary implications of this high pressure steam:

1. Increases the water in the pot’s boiling point

The maximum temperature at which you may cook something wet—such as a stew or steamed veggies—is 212°F, or the boiling point of water. However, the boiling point can now reach up to 250°F due to the pressure of the steam. A greater heat aids in accelerating the cooking process.

2. Increases pressure, causing the food to absorb liquid.

In addition to helping the food cook more rapidly, the high pressure also forces liquid and moisture into the dish, causing some items, such tough meat, to become extremely tender very quickly.

Surprisingly, the extra-high heat of the pressure cooker also encourages browning and caramelization because we’re not used to food caramelizing as it cooks in liquid. However, unlike typical steamed dishes, the tastes produced in a pressure cooker may be incredibly rich and nuanced.

What can be prepared with a pressure cooker?

Nearly anything at all! It takes only a few minutes to prepare rice, and considerably less than an hour to cook harder foods like beans and chickpeas. It works well for items that require tenderizing, such as roasts and braised meats. However, a variety of other foods, including hard- and soft-boiled eggs, have also been cooked in it. However, beans and pulses, stews, and vegetables are the foods for which it is most commonly used worldwide.

What makes using a pressure cooker for cooking challenging?

It’s an entirely new language and set of procedures for cooking. Typically, a pressure cooker must be allowed to warm up before adding the food and the cover. It must then be cooked for a predetermined period of time, at a predetermined pressure. (For how long? I use the pressure cooker chart that came with my electric pressure cooker, but there are several available that indicate you how long certain foods should cook.) Next, you release the pressure (it varies depending on the recipe; it can happen quickly or slowly).

As a cook, your gut feelings aren’t always reliable in all of this. We are skilled at boiling potatoes, browning meat, and sautéing. However, a pressure cooker is a sealed box; you cannot touch or taste the food as it cooks, and most of us must learn a new set of skills in order to successfully pressure cook.

What makes the pressure cooker very great?

Is it worthwhile, though? For a lot of folks, I believe so. Since the pressure cooker cooks food so rapidly and makes use of steam pressure, it is incredibly energy-efficient compared to many other appliances. I cooked the most delicious lamb curry last week; the tastes of the spices really came through in the meat, making it come apart tender. In addition, I took 45 minutes to make my own chickpeas and 6 minutes to season the rice.

And now pressure cooking is much easier with electric pressure cookers like the Instant Pot. Many of the concerns you might have about pressure cooking are eliminated by the built-in safety features of these pressure cookers. Additionally, they provide preset selections for rice, beans, and broth, eliminating the need for you to estimate cooking times or consult the handbook.