Lab Tests: What Are They?


Testing a sample of blood, urine, or another substance from a body is known as laboratory testing. Medical practitioners can determine a diagnosis, a course of treatment, and more with the help of these tests.

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What Does a Laboratory Test Purpose?

Medical practitioners essentially employ lab tests to monitor, evaluate, diagnose, or do research on a patient’s condition. Doctors will request tests for a sample of blood, urine, or another body substance in order to obtain this information.

How Much Time Does a Laboratory Test Take to Complete?

The majority of lab tests can be completed in a few minutes. The collection of the specimens typically takes a few minutes as well. Furthermore, a great deal of in-hospital results can be obtained in three to six hours. On the other hand, the results could not be available for several days if the tests were conducted at other non-hospital facilities.

A Laboratory Test Can Be Administered by Whom?

Numerous healthcare professionals, such as pathologists, clinical laboratory technologists, technicians, and other medical staff, frequently conduct laboratory tests. Furthermore, some medical assistants might also do laboratory tests.

Medical assistants can do basic lab or screening tests at a doctor’s office in many states. The most popular tests include blood glucose levels, hemoglobin, red blood cell percentage, blood cell count, and urinalysis. Testing for strep throat or pregnancy can also be performed by a medical assistant.

Qualifications for Laboratory Examination

The standards for lab testing can change based on your job and area. Typically, those seeking to work as clinical laboratory technologists must hold a bachelor’s degree. However, technicians could just require a postsecondary certificate or an associate degree. It’s crucial to keep in mind that certain states demand licensing for technicians and technologists.

Candidates having healthcare experience may be given preference by some employers. Our Medical Assisting curriculum at Unitek College may provide you with a significant edge in job interviews for lab technician roles. Specimen collection, pharmacology, medicine administration, diagnostic imaging, and other subjects are covered in our courses.

Procedure for Laboratory Testing

You can begin learning more about the procedure for collecting specimens and conducting lab tests by following these steps. Of course, it takes time and effort to get good on lab exams, just like it does with any other talent. Nonetheless, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get things perfect the first time, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.

Laboratory Test Scheduling

Even though most exams don’t require much preparation, there are some rules that must be adhered to. Examining the relevant test description, which includes the specimen type, volume, process, collection supplies, patient preparation, and storage instructions, is one of them.

It’s also critical that you get the patient ready. Before an exam, they might need to fast or follow a certain diet in some cases. Certain tests may also necessitate some drug limitations.

Steps for Laboratory Testing

When conducting a lab test, you should adhere to the following common guidelines:

Get the patient ready ahead of time (fasting, drug limits, etc.).

Check the identify of the patient. A few instances of legitimate identifiers are the patient’s name, birthdate, and hospital ID.

Take a sample from the individual. Observe the regulations set forth by your facility and handle any biological material as potentially dangerous.

As instructed by your company or institution, process the specimen.

Keep the sample stored. Maintaining the specimen’s integrity and, by extension, the test results, depends on appropriate storage.


The patient can typically get back to their regular activities after the operation. For the most part, there is no recuperation period after a lab test. Always get advice from the attending physician if you are unsure.

Equipment Required for a Lab Test

Generally speaking, the following supplies are advised for lab tests:



sanitizer for hands

Container for specimens

Sample of body material

Urinalysis using urine dipsticks


centrifugal force


freezer or refrigerator

Difficulties or Possible Hazards Associated with Laboratory Testing

For patients, lab testing are frequently painless and safe. Blood draws may hurt, but it shouldn’t hurt too much or leave you permanently damaged.

