
  • 5 Ways to Deliver Consistently Great Customer Service


    1. Assist clients in taking care of themselves

    Having said that, clients frequently choose to promptly handle their own problems rather than speaking with someone to get their problems resolved. Eighty-one percent of customers try to resolve issues on their own before contacting a live agent. According to another study, 71% of respondents desire the autonomy to resolve the majority of customer support concerns.

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    The idea behind assistance Scout’s Beacon, which places assistance information front and center so users can obtain answers exactly where they are without leaving the website, was that self-service is a scalable, affordable method to satisfy clients. The assistance of a real person is then only a few clicks away if they are unable to find the solution to their own query.

    2. Put the consumer first while providing service

    Customers are the most important component of your company and should take precedence above goods or revenue. Because they are, treat them as though they are the center of your universe.

    According to Kristin Smaby in “Being Human is Good Business,” “It’s time to consider an entirely different approach: leveraging smart technology and exceptional people to build human-centric customer service.” Thus, learn about your clientele. Give them a human face. Make yourself more human. It’s worthwhile.

    One of Southwest Airlines’ pilots made a remarkable example of applying this idea when he delayed a flight to accommodate a passenger who was attending a funeral. That consumer will never forget that they prioritized people before profit.

    3. Pay attention.

    In addition to monitoring in real time, reviewing historical data is another aspect of attending to client feedback. When a consumer takes the time to talk with you, let them know you hear them. If you listen to your consumers, you have a better chance of understanding their true issues and being able to address them in a way that will satisfy them.

    Do not impose your own agenda on what they have to say. Just listen to them. Never presume that you know exactly what your client will say.

    Engage in active listening by using expressions like “It sounds like” and “Do you mean…” or “Let me make sure I’ve got this right” whether you’re on the phone or in a live chat. To demonstrate that you have listened to them, make sure you state the issue again in your own terms.

    Moreover, active listening entails being aware of the distinct personality and emotional state of your client so you may modify your response to suit the circumstance. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to customer care.

    4. Honor your commitments

    It’s basic customer service to make sure you fulfill your promises when you make them. Don’t disappoint your clients. Respect and trust are essential for keeping your word.

    Make sure you adhere to the SLA uptime criteria, for instance, if you claim 99%. Make sure you follow through on your promises, such as developing a certain feature in your program within a given time range.

    In the event that you fail to fulfill a commitment you have made to a client, such as failing to reply within a day, provide a compensation. Offer to replace the package if something goes wrong and give your customer a reimbursement for their inconvenience. In the short run, you may lose some money, but you will acquire a devoted client.

    It’s interesting to note that when you deliver more than you promised, clients are not really appreciative. If you let them down on a commitment, though, they will get upset. It’s still preferable to overdeliver rather than underpromise in order to ensure that you never violate this crucial social contract.

    5. Offer proactive assistance

    One of the most crucial things you can do to provide excellent customer service is to go above and beyond. At this point, you want to do more even if you have checked all the boxes.

    Being helpful occasionally entails recognizing your clients’ needs before they even need to express them. As a matter of fact, clients occasionally want one item when they actually require another. It is your responsibility to foresee and meet their demands.

    Customers will continue to patronize you if they see that you genuinely appreciate and cherish them. This may be related to the social psychology concept of reciprocity, which states that if you treat your clients well, they will want to do the same for you—that is, purchase your goods!

    Giving your clients a unique promotional code or sending them a modest gift “just because” can stroke their egos and show them how much you genuinely value their business.

    A guest at Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland hotel inquired about the purchase of a certain alarm clock that was in her room, and the staff there provided incredibly helpful assistance. The hotel won over one extremely happy client when they unexpectedly gave her one as a leaving present.

    Expanding your company by offering excellent customer support

    The aforementioned components come together to create excellent customer service. Excellent customer service helps you build a reputation as a helpful and enjoyable partner while also retaining clients who are loyal to you and your company.

    Clients want to be regarded as individuals, not just a slot in a ticket line. In order to create development through customer service, personalize both them and yourself.