
  • What Distinguishes a Tombstone, Gravestone, and Headstone?


    Certain elements about end-of-life planning may appear a bit unclear to people who are not familiar with it.

    This may apply to the language used by memorial stonemasons, funeral directors, and cemeteries since some terms are frequently used interchangeably.

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    When someone purchases a memorial headstone for the first time, for instance, they may start to question if they should be looking for a headstone, gravestone, tombstone, or all three combined.

    Even while merely meandering around a cemetery or church graveyard, people ponder the same questions.

    Although that might sound like a silly inquiry, it’s really rather valid.

    What distinguishes a tombstone from a headstone? What the distinction between a tombstone and a gravestone?

    These three phrases are frequently used interchangeably as synonyms, but are there any distinctions between them?

    Let’s examine each phrase’s historical context in greater detail to see whether there are any situations in which using a certain term is preferable to others.

    What Distinguishes a Tombstone, Gravestone, and Headstone?

    Nowadays, “headstone,” “gravestone,” and “tombstone” are frequently used interchangeably.

    Though language has changed over time, these terms were not always employed in the same contexts as they are now.

    Actually, three distinct objects were described by each of the three words.

    Now let’s look at each term’s origins.

    The Word Gravestone’s Origin

    To begin, let’s define “gravestone.”

    The term tombstone was first used in common usage between 1175 and 1225, and its origins may be traced back to the 12th and 13th centuries.

    When a tombstone was referenced during this period, it was usually used to allude to the massive stone slab that covered a burial.

    There might have been text, a date, or a name inscribed on this massive tombstone.

    It was not like the vertical grave markers of today; instead, it was a big stone slab that would lay horizontally over the top of the burial area.

    The Word Tombstone’s Origin

    Out of the three terms, “tombstone” is the most recent to enter the English language, having been used since around 1560.

    The Greek words “tymbos” (meaning “burial mound”) and “stia” (meaning “pebble”) are the sources of the term tombstone.

    From this point on, “stia” developed into “stone” and “tymbos” into “tomb.”

    The name “tombstone” originally referred to the stone coffin lid, as coffins during this era were frequently constructed of stone.

    The Word Headstone’s Origin

    The word “headstone” originated around 1400.

    In the beginning, it was synonymous with “cornerstone,” a ceremonial stone that connects two external walls at a building’s corner.

    Typically, this stone is engraved with the beginning and ending dates of the building’s construction, the names of the architects and the owner, and any other pertinent details.

    These days, cornerstones are frequently arranged artistically on internal walls, floors, or the building’s façade.

    They once held great structural and symbolic significance, serving as a point of reference for all other stones used in the build’s foundation in addition to holding information about the construction.

    Connection with Cemetery Markers

    The meaning of a headstone, gravestone, and tombstone has changed over the ages.

    Although the exact date of this change is unknown, we do know that by 1711, the phrase “tombstone” was being used to refer to a burial marker. Similarly, the term “gravestone” was also in use at that time.

    The meaning of the word “headstone” quickly changed and it was also connected to burial markers.

    The literal definition of the word “headstone” by 1775 was “upright stone at the head of a grave.”

    Given the particular information highlighted by cornerstones and the positioning of grave markers on burial sites, this relationship makes logical.

    When Was the Initially Interred?

    For an extended period, the Qafzeh cave in Israel held the record for the oldest known deliberate burial, dating back around 10,000 years.

    Up to fifteen people’s remains were discovered here, together with fragments of red ocher, indicating that it was used in a ceremony. But when a recent discovery in Africa revealed the deliberate burial of a small infant, now known as Mtoto, dating back over 80,000 years, this fact was drastically altered.

    This new discovery lends support to the notion held by many academics that the earliest human graves probably occurred more than 100,000 years ago.

    These results also demonstrate how comparable our cognition, sociality, and behaviors were to our own in the 21st century, while living in an environment and way of life that would have been considerably different.

    Employing the Terms Headstone

    One term that was used interchangeably with cornerstone was headstone. These days, an upright stone placed at the head of a burial site is referred to as a headstone.

    A headstone has details like the deceased person’s name and birth and death dates carved, embossed, or etched into the stone material. Certain headstones may include quotations, pictures, or further details about the deceased person.

    Using Tombstone as a Word

    The term “tombstone” refers to the stone cover that was a part of a stone coffin from the middle of the sixteenth century.

    Over time, the definition of a tombstone evolved to refer to an upright stone placed at the top of a grave. The name of the dead, along with their birth and death dates, are usually inscribed on the stone. A portrait of the deceased or an epitaph can also be seen on certain tombstones.

    Employing the Term “Gravestone”

    A huge stone used to cover the top of a burial ground was referred to as a tombstone. Frequently, the stone bore details about the departed individual. This could contain an epitaph, their name, and their dates of birth and death.

    They frequently had ornamental gravestone emblems as well. A grave ledger is the closest modern equivalent of a tombstone in terms of memorial usage. These days, when discussing a burial monument, the terms “gravestone,” “headstone,” and “tombstone” are interchangeable.

  • A row of LEDs mounted to the panel’s frame, or circumference, shine horizontally onto a light-guide plate (LGP) to form an edge-lit LED panel. Through a diffuser, the LGP transmits light downward, into the area below. Side-lit panels are another name for edge-lit panels.

    An array of LEDs mounted on a horizontal plate that shine vertically down through a diffuser onto the area that needs to be lighted makes up a back-lit LED panel. Direct-lit panels are another name for back-lit panels.

    Read More: edge led lighting

    Which LED panels are better, backlit or edge-lit?

    There are benefits and cons to both designs. The first panels to be mass-produced were edge-lit ones.

    Initially, the edge-lit design was employed for many reasons:

    A light-guide plate (LGP) is a quick and easy solution to disperse light evenly and reduce the possibility of glaring spots. Acrylic (PMMA), which has a very high light transmission percentage and doesn’t yellow with age, is used to make the greatest LGPs.

    Low-cost materials can be used in the diffuser as long as they don’t yellow with age since the LGP ensures that the diffuser is not the only device responsible for dispersing light evenly.

    The edge-lit design works well with a range of varied LED beam angles and doesn’t require lenses.

    The back may be lightweight and won’t become hot as heat from the LED chips is dispersed throughout the frame. If necessary, the driver can be installed here.

    Some producers lowered the price of edge-lit panels by using less expensive materials and assembly techniques, but this had an adverse effect on the panels’ quality. This primarily concerned the LGP. Some manufacturers now employ polystyrene (PS) LGPs; however, if UV stabilisers are not added, they may yellow with age, causing the center of the panel to become dull while the outside stays brilliant. Furthermore, PS transmits light at a lesser percentage than PMMA.

    Backlit LED panels have been made possible by technological advancements.

    With the increasing efficiency of LEDs, the inherent thermal advantage of side-lit designs has diminished, while not completely eliminated.

    Modern adhesives allow lenses to be firmly affixed to each LED to generate an even distribution of light without the chance of falling off, which was a drawback with certain older, less expensive back-lit panels. Lens production has also gotten more affordable.

    Due to the increased prevalence, decreased cost, and increased effectiveness of micro-prismatic diffusers, the dual function of the LGP/diffuser combo is no longer necessary.

    Back-lit panels are thought to be more efficient since cheaper edge-lit panels employed LGPs with little light transmission; by contrast, back-lit panels completely eliminate the LGP.

    Back-lit panels are becoming just as popular in the lighting industry as edge-lit panels. Although we offer both types in our product line at NVC, we have determined that edge-lit is only slightly superior. This is because the driver finds the back of the panel to be the most convenient location, and we want the driver to stay as cool as possible because we give guarantees of five and seven years.

    What issues do low-cost back-lit LED panels have?

    Their lack of LGP makes it feasible to create back-lit screens at a reasonable cost. Because of this, several manufacturers market back-lit panels as an affordable choice.

    This is the thing to be cautious about.

    Use of LEDs is inadequate. When there are insufficient LEDs—usually 36 or fewer—high current must be applied to them in order for them to provide the necessary amount of light. This is less efficient than designs with more LEDs (LEDs operate best with low driving currents), produces more heat, shortens the LEDs’ lifespan, and accelerates the degradation of lumens.

    body plastic. Superior backlit panels have a metal frame. As a heat sink, this works better than a (less expensive) plastic body. In order to prevent further reduction in the lifespan of LEDs, the heat they produce must be released.

    The spread of light does not overlap. Every LED in a high-quality back-lit panel has its own lens, and those lenses are made in such a way that the light from each LED overlaps the light from the LEDs next to it. In the event that one LED fails, this will result in a uniform lighting effect and some resilience. Low LED counts and poorly designed lenses are likely to reduce LED overlap and raise the possibility of bright and dark patches on the front of the fitting.

    Are the lenses securely positioned? We’ll have to wait and see, but there’s a chance that the heat from the LEDs and the cheap glue application will lead to the lenses falling off. Uneven light distribution and perhaps equal glare will be the outcome.

    Built-in driver. Building the driver into the body allows manufacturers to save money, but there are a number of disadvantages. In the event of a malfunction, it cannot be changed, and there are no dimming or emergency choices. It’s a rather rigid method.

    Examine the frame’s corners. A noticeable seam will be seen on the less expensive panels.

  • What Distinguishes Telekinesis from Psychokinesis?


    Are psychic powers the next development in human evolution? According to brain studies, this is not likely to happen.

    Read More: Oren Zarif

    It’s not all terrible news, either. Human telekinetic talents, which are unexpectedly distinct from their near cousins, psychokinetic powers, might be made possible by emerging technology. Here’s an examination of the differences between these two methods, what parapsychology has to say about human potential, and how technology may enable these abilities.

    Consider the Mind Above the Matter

    What distinguishes telekinesis from psychokinesis? To begin with, they both rely on your ability to manage your thoughts to influence the environment. What precisely you’re controlling is where they diverge, though. To put it plainly, psychokinesis is the ability to cause someone else’s thoughts to act. You can guide the manipulation of items via telekinesis.

    Here’s an illustration to show the distinction:

    After a hard day, you finally unwind with your significant other on the couch while watching TV. When the show you’re watching ends, you decide not to see what’s on next. Unexpectedly, though, the remote control is on the far side of your coffee table, out of reach. Yes, of course, you could stand up, walk over there, get the remote, and then walk back. You might also employ your abilities.

    Psychokinesis allows you to subtly advise to your companion that they should take possession of the remote control. They might as well get a bite in the process.

    You can directly control the remote with your telekinesis by levitating it off the table and into your grasp. Next, you open the cabinet, take out a bowl, load it with munchies, and carry it softly to the sofa. The mental method is different in both circumstances, yet the conclusion is the same.

    An Overview of Parapsychology

    According to Psychology Today, parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities and other extrasensory experiences. Joseph Banks Rhine launched scientific investigations on the possibility of psychic abilities in humans in the 1930s at Duke University. Rhine and his associates experimented on people to see whether they could forecast results in advance by guessing cards and rolling dice.

    Precognition (seeing into the future), telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (the capacity to sense events occurring in faraway regions), telekinesis, and psychokinesis are among the common fields of research for parapsychologists.

    But after over a century of research, parapsychologists still lack substantial supporting data. Psychology Today states that while some research—like Daryl Bem’s word recall experiments—suggested that people could “feel the future,” other investigations were unable to confirm the findings. This is a persistent issue within the field. Repeated trials conducted under the same settings do not provide the same results, despite the fact that one-off tests sometimes yield encouraging results.

    Research into psychokinesis and telekinesis has shown similarly disappointing findings. Although people may affect the minds of those around them through body language and emotional intelligence, this is more in line with conventional psychology than parapsychology. Meanwhile, purported magicians like Uri Geller spent decades trying to persuade audiences that they could mentally bend spoons in order to demonstrate the ability to move objects. Unspoiler alert: He was unable to.

    According to an article on Medium, our ideas are telekinetic in the sense that they move when neurons are activated. Since these neurons are mass-producing, they influence other brain matter, thus you’ve actually “moved” something with your thoughts.

    Tech Advances in Telekinesis

    Although paraplegic telekinesis is not supported by evidence, technology does provide a means of realizing the fantasy of mind-controlled object movement. Scientific American describes brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) as a technology that uses electrode grids that are inserted into the cortex of the brain. These electrodes capture the firing patterns of neurons and then convert those firing patterns into thoughts and actions.

    BCIs enable patients to manipulate prosthetic devices and engage with software programs, so this is not simply conjecture. According to recent Caltech study, sophisticated BCIs can accurately anticipate a patient’s internal monologue, or the thoughts we have but choose not to express. This finding might aid in the development of gadgets that enable patients who are non-verbal to communicate.

    It’s important to remember that BCIs are still being developed. Remember that in order to implant electrodes, a part of the skull must be sliced in order to obtain correct BCI readings at this time. However, efforts are being made to create non-invasive substitutes that can gather information about the brain through layered materials like skin and hair. Concerns exist regarding the broad effects of BCI development on humanity. Although training algorithm models takes years and present frameworks are extremely specialized, mass-produced alternatives could enable modest telekinesis for nearly everyone.

    The University of New England philosophers Sandy Boucher and John Kendall Hawkins write for The Conversation on the “technological singularity,” which sees AI technology and people becoming inextricably linked. They argue that there is no turning back once BCIs are implemented, and that they may be the first step toward this singularity.