
  • All the Information You Need to Buy Tofu Cat Litter


    One of the newest kinds of cat litter is tofu, which is rapidly gaining appeal among cat owners because to its low dust, low tracking, and environmentally beneficial qualities. Is it, however, the best option for you and your feline? We will provide you with all the facts required to make an informed decision in this post.

    Read More: Tofu cat litter factory

    We are specialists in cats here at tuft + paw. We’ve devoted many hours to figuring out which characteristics of litter matter most to cats and cat parents. This post is based on our own experience as cat parents who have started a tofu cat litter, as well as information from internet research, veterinary consultations, and conversations with cat behaviorists.

    Cons and Drawbacks of Tofu Cat Litter


    Particles with poor tracking

    extremely little dust

    excellent clumping

    extremely absorbing



    responsibly obtained


    more costly than clay

    Some felines don’t like pellets.

    necessary deodorizing chemicals for effective odor management

    Certain brands have scents.

    What Is Litter Made of Tofu?

    The fiber left over after soybeans are processed for soy milk and tofu is used to make tofu litter. Normally, the pulp is removed from the milk and discarded, but tofu litter uses this food-grade material in a different way to make a completely natural, non-toxic clay litter substitute. The pulp is crushed, dried, and made into lightweight, almost dust-free cylindrical pellets. While some products add fragrances and colors to their litter, the best tofu cat litters are unscented and contain some sort of deodorizer (such baking soda or charcoal).

    The Advantages of Tofu Litter

    In order to show why tofu cat litter is becoming a popular choice for cat households, let’s go over some of its main advantages.

    1. Tofu Litter Has Extremely Low Tracking and Is Dust-Free

    Tofu pellets cling to cats’ paws and hair less than most litter grains because they are bigger. Because of this, it has very little tracking, so you won’t discover bits of it all over your house. In addition, compared to clay litter, it is among the least dusty varieties available.

    2. Both humans and cats may safely use tofu litter

    Assuming you get the unscented, uncolored tofu cat litter that we advise, tofu cat litter is free of synthetic ingredients and dangerous pollutants. Crystalline silica dust, found in clay cat litters, is known to be carcinogenic when breathed and can aggravate respiratory conditions in both people and cats. With tofu cat litter, this is NOT the case.

    The potential for GI obstructions from swallowed clay litter is another cause for worry. This issue is not present with tofu litter. Although we don’t advise eating it, it is safe to consume because it is composed of food-grade substances. In the unlikely event that your cat consumes tofu litter, the pellets will disintegrate in their stomach and travel through their digestive tract with ease.

    3. It’s Very Easy to Clean Tofu Litter

    For simple disposal, tofu kitty litter may be flushed down the toilet. It completely dissolves in water, saving you from having to store the waste in an unappealing rubbish bag. Although nobody like cleaning the litter box, the task is made lot simpler when using tofu cat litter. You should definitely check out our list of the top flushable cat litters if you value convenience over everything else.

    Important Note: In California, it is not permitted to flush cat litter. It is advisable to confirm your local laws before disposing of kitty litter. If your cat consumes commercial food and lives inside, then only then should you flush the litter to reduce the chance of toxoplasmosis spreading.

    4. Tofu Waste Is Environmentally Safe

    A growing number of cat owners are searching for alternatives as they become aware of the negative environmental impacts of clay cat litter. Strip mining, which ruins habitat and contaminates the water, air, and soil, is used to gather clay kitty litter. Clay litter is used and then dumped in a landfill, where it absorbs water and swells. Given how many cat owners throw their cat litter in the garbage, this implies clay litter might take up even more room in landfills, which is alarming.

    The residual pulp from processing soybeans, which would otherwise become food waste, is used to make tofu cat litter. As a fully biodegradable plant-based substance, soybeans are a crop that can be grown again.

    Inconveniences of Tofu Cat Litter

    Although tofu litter has a lot of advantages, cat parents should be aware of a few things before determining if it’s the right litter for their requirements.


    Tofu cat litter is comparable to other high-end litter varieties like crystal, however it is typically more costly than clay cat litter. For many cat owners, the enhanced monitoring, dusting, and cleaning capabilities are well worth the cost.

    Organic Disturbances

    Since tofu cat litter is comprised of organic, natural materials, it might grow mold if kept in a moist environment. The answer is straightforward: Keep your tofu cat litter somewhere that is dry, cool, and well-ventilated. Although tofu cat litter can grow mildew, this shouldn’t be a problem if you keep it properly.

    Raising Awareness

    There are two reasons why flushing cat litter is an issue.

    The possibility of dispersing the parasite toxoplasmosis gondii, which can infect cats and contaminate their feces. The CDC states that indoor cats that do not hunt and who are not given raw meat have an extremely low risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. Before flushing cat litter, be sure to verify your local rules since cat waste flushing is governed by municipal regulations.

    2) Plumbing problems. Flushing cat litter can block pipes and result in major plumbing issues if done improperly. Generally speaking, we would advise against flushing cat litter in houses with really ancient plumbing because these systems can be more prone to blockage. You should be OK as long as your house has adequate plumbing, you only flush little amounts of tofu litter at a time, and you wait for clumps to disintegrate entirely before flushing.

    What is Tofu litter? And why do we recommend it?

    What does tofu litter mean?

    Food-grade soy pulp that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill is used to make tofu kitty litter. It is among the most durable, easily cleaned, and odor-absorbing litters on the market. It’s a natural solution that you can flush down the toilet and is biodegradable.

    Read More: Tofu cat litter manufacturer

    Is tofu cat litter superior than other types of litter?

    Before deciding on the cat litter we currently use, the Gelin Town Pet team experimented with a number of other types. We wanted a litter that would keep our cats happy and our Cat Forest odor-free because there were so many of them sharing one place. It turned out that tofu kitty litter was the best choice.

    So, what made us decide on Tofu Litter?

    First off, it works quite well. In just two seconds, it can absorb a liquid volume four times larger than itself. The odor may be muted more quickly the faster the cat litter absorbs liquid. It uses less energy and lasts longer because of its efficiency.

    It is easy to scoop and has strong clumping for increased efficiency.

    Because tofu cat litter is comprised of food-grade soy pulp that would otherwise wind up in landfills, it is also ecologically beneficial. It is a natural choice that hasn’t had any artificial ingredients added at all. Tofu cat litter decomposes completely, unlike silica and clay cat litters.

    Tofu litter is a natural and safer solution for your cat because it is manufactured from soy. Since tofu litter is dust-free, it helps avoid a lot of respiratory problems that dusty clay litters can bring.

    Natural and fresh aroma for easy breathing for both you and your feline companion.

    The tofu cat litter is easy on paws since each granule is designed to have a diameter of 2 mm. The litter boxes we use in the store are the ideal size for them. Not on your floor, but through the grating at the entry, falls litter!

    We frequently use it at the business and heartily endorse it!

    Our top picks for cat litter are Tofu and Composite, regardless of how many cats live in your house. These are excellent choices if you want to provide your cats nutritious litter that is also among the most durable, cleanest, and odor-absorbing litters on the market.

    You may visit our store in person or place an online order to benefit from our free local delivery service if you’re looking for tofu cat litter in China.

    Features of a Tofu Cat Litter to Consider

    Even though tofu litter offers a lot of wonderful advantages, not all brands are made equally. To guarantee you acquire the highest-quality tofu litter available, consider the following features:

    No extra colors or fragrances

    Additional deodorizers to manage odors

    positive evaluations

    Guidelines for Converting Your Cat to Tofu Litter

    Once you’ve determined it’s time to switch to tofu litter, do the following actions:

    Step 1: Don’t change anything else.

    It’s crucial to maintain the same layout for the litter box during the transfer. Don’t move the box, don’t move it to a different area, and don’t do it if you recently brought another cat into the house. For maximum success with the transfer, everything else about the litter box and habit should stay exactly the same.

    Step 2: Proceed cautiously

    Make the shift gradually by adding the new litter bit by bit. For instance, you may start with an 80/20 ratio and gradually raise it until your cat is only using the new litter.

    Cats are clever, as cat lovers are aware, so they’ll probably notice the shift. Make sure their old litter makes up the top layer of litter. As a result, the adjustment ought to be less stressful.

    Step 3: Favorable correlations

    Transfer a portion of your cat’s excrement from their previous litter to their current one. Your feline will then connect it to their previous litter. You may let your cat know that this is the proper place for them to relieve themselves by introducing waste from their previous litter into the new one.

    Step 4: Give something back

    Although not all cats will react to rewards, this might be a viable choice for your food-motivated cat. Give them a few treats when you observe them using the new litter properly.

    Where can I get kitty litter made of tofu?

    We have a suggestion if you’re now on board with tofu cat litter and want to try switching your cat over to this safe, mess-free, and ecologically friendly alternative.

    We launched our own Really Great Cat Litter because we are so passionate about this product, and we really believe it to be the finest tofu cat litter out there. We believe that going with natural, odorless, and uncolored is often a better choice for both people and cats.