
  • Why Outsourced Product Development Is So Popular With Startups


    Although it was formerly an unusual business strategy, organizations of all sizes today routinely employ outsourced product development. This tried-and-true method frees up company founders’ time to concentrate on other essential business duties while enabling them to quickly bring usable software to market.

    Read More: Outsourced Product Development

    The application outsourcing sector generated $109.10 billion in sales in 2021, according to Statista, and is expected to continue growing in the years to come. I’ll teach you how to effectively outsource software product development in this post so you can compete in the market.

    Outsourced Product Development: What Is It?

    Outsourced product development, as the name suggests, is the process by which a business hires an outside provider to handle software development and associated work. Product managers or non-technical founders can effectively launch software products without delving into the technical details thanks to product development outsourcing.

    Although they have gained popularity during the epidemic, outsourced software product development services have long been a standard practice in the commercial world. At different periods of their development, a few multinational firms, such as Microsoft, Google, and Whatsapp, outsourced their software development requirements.

    For instance, in order to save money and acquire access to elite talent, WhatsApp hired engineers from Eastern Europe to work on its app during its early stages. While this is going on, Google continues to outsource its product development in an effort to support its own staff and access potential worldwide talent.

    Benefits Of Outsourced Product Development For New Projects

    When starting their innovative initiatives, entrepreneurs are frequently faced with the decision of whether to hire a team internally or hire outside help for product development. Based on uptech experience, working with an outsourced product development business instead of hiring new employees is quite beneficial for founders.

    A company needs to be flexible and prepared to change with the market fast. The outsourcing strategy benefits founders more, even though an in-house staff gives them more control. The latter enables them to maintain a lean team structure while keeping overhead low.

    Founders opt to outsource software product development for the following main reasons.

    Domain & Technical Expertise

    Creating a useful and entertaining app requires more than just coding expertise. A UI/UX designer, front-end developer, back-end developer, database engineer, project manager, and QA test engineer may be needed, depending on the kind of project.

    Every function requires a different set of skills that require years of experience to become proficient in. For instance, although some backend engineers are skilled in ExpressJS and Ruby on Rails, others are more familiar with Laravel and Django.

    Founders may use the wide pool of diversified talent across several areas and overcome the shortage of local skills by outsourcing software product development. Hire talent that would otherwise be hard to come by or prohibitively costly in the local market by using outsourcing.

    IT Procedure Enhancement

    It requires more than just writing code to create an app and assembling various software components. Every successful app goes through efficient procedures, which begin with conception and continue long after the app is released.

    An app’s usual development process at Uptech includes discovery, testing, development, prototyping, and post-release enhancement. Every software phase is further divided into more manageable, intricate subprocesses. This is a comprehensive overview of the services we provide for outsourced product development.

    When integrating recently hired engineers into an unproven process, inexperienced entrepreneurs are likely to encounter difficulties. Rather, outsourcing guarantees that the software development is handled by a well-organized team that is conversant with standard operating procedures and industry best practices.

    For instance, our staff is experienced with the Agile process, which enables us to implement changes based on customer input quickly.

    Lowering of Expenses

    Hiring local software engineers in rich Western nations might put a strain on the budget. For firms that are bootstrapped, this is a bad idea because the money is just as important for operations, marketing, and other needs. Reaching predetermined financial targets when creating an app is more affordable when outsourcing is used. 70% of businesses polled by Deloitte stated that cutting costs was a primary driver of outsourcing.

    You can avoid giving the internal team a set wage and other benefits, to start. Working with outsourced product development businesses also saves money on software licensing, gear, and workspace costs. The majority of companies go to Eastern European developers for their outsourcing needs since they provide a developer’s balance of price, cultural resemblance, and quality. Eastern European product development outsourcing businesses charge $35–60 per hour, which is reasonable when considering the greater expense of recruiting developers in Western nations.