The Benefits Of A Relaxation Massage


What is massage?

Massage is typically a complete or part body therapy with the therapist utilizing their hands to conduct pressure, stroking, kneading and rubbing movements to the skin. There are numerous forms of massage that one might experience based on the reason why an individual desires such a service.

Read More: Relaxing massage Kensington

Sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage and relaxation massage are therapies which are extensively utilized and have tremendous advantages to the body and its functioning.

Relaxation massage:

A soothing massage is done by utilizing the complete hands of the therapist in a gentle manner over the skin, following the muscular contours (soft tissues) of the body. The whole of the body is generally massaged during this form of therapy. There should be no pain associated with relaxation massage, in fact it should be a really wonderful experience. Gentle kneading, and extended smooth stroking rhythmic strokes give various advantages to the customers overall health and wellness. It is a treatment meant to relax and soothe, not to alleviate chronic pain or other underlying issues.

Why is it relaxing?

Massage is calming owing to the delicate nature of the therapists motions on the body’s sensitive tissues. It has a relaxing impact on the neurological system, lowering tension and discomfort and fosters a healing environment within the body.

Benefits of a relaxing massage:

Improved circulation: the gentle stroking and kneading strokes over the skin can enhance the flow of blood circulation peripherally, delivering new blood to the region offering improved local nourishment and hastening the clearance of toxins and waste materials.

This in turn will promote the repair of soft tissue damage locally and improve skin tone.

addressed muscle tension: Muscle tension which might be caused to a postural issue (sitting at a computer for long hours) can be addressed by a frequent relaxation massage. Gentle but firm massage to specific shoulder muscles for example may assist disperse any tension build up/tightness in this location. Postural disorders are cumulative and massage treatment is one of the finest ways of ‘nipping it in the bud’ so to speak.

Muscular exhaustion from over usage during exercise can also be considerably alleviated by having frequent relaxation massages. The impacts of the kneading and stroking movements to the muscle fibers assist disperse/remove lactic acid build up lowering tiredness, pain and improving recovery time.

Eases muscular discomfort: A qualified massage therapist is able to isolate individual muscles or muscle groups to alleviate localized pain. As the numerous layers of musculature are stimulated and the body’s extremities are completely treated, the body begins to open itself up more freely and relaxes. Circulation is enhanced, which helps localized inflammation as well as reducing fatigue, discomfort and boost energy levels.

Alleviates anxiety and depression: Anxiety and depression have become a twenty first century problem in the western world. It’s safe to assume that these diseases are responsible for the great majority of mental ill health in most people. By providing a tranquil atmosphere and with the therapeutic advantages of skin to skin contact, as well as the practical analgesic effects of massage itself, this therapy can reduce some of the symptoms of cases of anxiety and depression. A persons entire wellbeing may be enhanced.

Improves sleep: Relaxation massage relaxes the client and gives relief from tension and the sensation of peace, which can assist a person fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply and be less disturbed throughout sleep. Massage treatment also eliminates postural tension and localized discomfort so that a person would find it easier to sleep more easily.

Improved immunity: By decreasing stress hormones and lowering blood pressure the body is better equipped to direct its immunological response to fight off sickness or infection more efficiently.

How does a relaxing massage help?

Massage exerts a therapeutic impact on the body and can have several health advantages. Massage helps the body to relax by boosting the release of hormones and elevating warmth of the soft tissues.

Massage works by activating hormones in the body. The gentle pressure of massage activates the neurological system that increases numerous hormones in the body. Feel good chemicals such as, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine are produced from the brain enhancing mood and promoting a sense of well-being. Endorphins can operate as a natural pain killer helping to ease mild aches and pains. Serotonin can help alleviate sadness, stress and anxiety.

Massage also helps promote relaxation by elevating warmth of soft tissues. Massage elevates the warmth of the skin and stimulates capillarisation. Capillarisation is the increasing volume of capillaries in the blood which causes greater cellular interaction. Cellular exchange facilitates increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the muscles. An rise in warmth and blood flow produces a profound relaxation response in the body. The physiological action slows breathing down and reduces the heart rate allowing the body and muscles to rest.


Relaxation massage combines a mix of massage methods to relax the body. Massage comprises of light to medium pressure on the body, manipulating soft tissues and generating a therapeutic impact. Massage stimulates the skin, raising warmth and blood circulation. Massage also produces feel good hormones which provide a sensation of well-being and increase mood. Massage may be used to alleviate discomfort, reduce muscular tension and assist maintain healthy muscles. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio provide relaxing massage therapy treatments to address a number of problems.